What is the Stealth Right-to-Abortion Amendment? The Stealth Right-to-Abortion Amendment is the pro-abortion Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). VSHL calls it the Stealth Right-to-Abortion Amendment because the pro-abortion forces behind the amendment always deny that it has anything to do with abortion. The Equal Rights Amendment is a constitutional amendment that Congress proposed in 1972, before the Supreme Court legalized abortion in Roe v. Wade (Jan. 1973). The ERA had a 7-year ratification deadline that ...
Read MoreThis week, the Virginia House of Delegates will vote on a bill recently passed by the Virginia Senate, which ensures parental involvement in their child's health. SB 1235 requires that, before any Virginia Department of Health staff or agent may speak with a minor on any sexual issue, including pregnancy, they must first have the consent of a parent. It is a straightforward bill that will reinforce Virginia's Parental Consent law. SB 1235 was introduced because of ...
Read MoreJuly 1st, 2020: A Bad Day for Virginia’s Women and Children, A Good Day for Abortionists
Today, July 1, 2020, pro-life laws that took years to establish in Virginia’s code will be ripped away as the new laws passed in the 2020 General Assembly go into effect. Pro-abortion groups will have much to celebrate, but the babies and mothers of Virginia will be left with no protection from the lies they are told by abortionists and the deadly reality of what abortion does to their children. The right ...
Read MoreOlivia Gans Turner appeared on EWTN News Nightly on Thursday, January 30th, to discuss the pro-abortion legislation passed by the General Assembly.
Read MorePro-Abortion Members in Virginia Senate Reverse Women’s Right to Know and Other Protective Laws
RICHMOND--Today, in a split vote of 20-20, with the lieutenant governor breaking the tie, the Virginia Senate passed SB 733. This legislation will overturn reasonable protective legislation that Virginia first passed in 2001 to protect women and their unborn babies from abortion. The U.S Supreme Court has found that such laws are constitutional. “Pro-abortion Democrats in the General Assembly have stripped the law books of legislation that was designed to protect ...
Read MorePro-Abortion Members in Virginia General Assembly Toss Out Protective Women’s Right to Know Law
Today, the House of Delegates voted along party lines to overturn the "Women's Right to Know" Informed Consent law regarding abortion. Tomorrow, the Senate is expected to follow suit and pass SB 733. HB 980 (Del. Price, D-95th) removed all the hard won rational and much-needed provisions of the law first passed in 2001. The law required that the Virginia Department of Health provide written materials that would inform a woman considering ...
Read MoreThe Federalist: Democrats Seek to Fulfill Promise of Until-Birth Abortion in Virginia
From The Federalist: As the next General Assembly is set to open January 8, pro-abortion leaders in the Senate and House are making good on their promise to push a radical pro-abortion agenda in the legislature. Bills already introduced for a vote in the upcoming session include multiple versions of the Equal Rights Amendment (which legally mandates abortion access), removing parental consent for minors’ abortions from law, two bills eliminating the ...
Read MoreEWTN’s Post-Election Interview with VSHL
Laura Echevarria, who is the Director of Communications for National Right to Life, also serves on the board of Virginia Society of Human Life. She appeared on EWTN last night to discuss the outcome of Tuesday's elections and what can be expected in the next legislative session. https://youtu.be/Vk2-cryxkqs?t=324
Read MorePro-Abortion Money from Out of State Buys Virginia’s Election
In a very sad turn of events, despite a hard-scrabble ground game organized by Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL) and other pro-life groups in the Commonwealth---built on the donations of average citizens---abortion proponents won new seats in the House and Senate giving them control of the General Assembly. Sadly, several Republican seats were lost in the Senate giving pro-abortion candidates control there too. Outside pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL ...
Read MoreTomorrow, Tuesday, November 5th is election day! Who are you going to vote for? Do you know the names and positions of the candidates running in your district? Here is the link to the list of endorsed candidates from VSHL and National Right to Life: https://www.nrlc.org/uploads/records/2019NRLVSHLendorsements.pdf Not sure of your district? Find your district here: https://vshl.org/legislative-action-center#/voterinformation
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