Pro-abortion Delegates Vote in Committee to Slip Extreme Abortion Amendment Forward, Ignoring Public Opposition and Outcry

Yesterday pro-abortion legislators in the House of Delegates passed their extreme Unlimited Abortion Up to Birth Amendment to the Virginia Constitution out of the Privileges and Election Committee. The committee agenda was not posted for the public to see and comment on until 24 hours before the meeting.  To make matters worse, a last-minute substitute version was introduced at the meeting, denying the chance for legislators or the public to read ...

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The Unlimited Abortion Up to Birth Amendment is on the Table This Week! Speak Out Now!

Here we go! Only days away from the dramatic national election results and Virginia’s pro-abortion legislators are ready to move forward this week on their dreadful plan to enshrine abortion up to birth in the state Constitution. Raise Your Voice! Pro-life Virginians must make their voices heard immediately! Please Use the VSHL Action Center link to send your message to your members of the General Assembly. Please share this link with your ...

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Sleeping baby

Senator Lindsey Graham and Congressman Chris Smith Reintroduce the Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act

Following the recent Supreme Court Ruling reversing Roe v. Wade, new pro-life action in the U.S. Congress has been championed by two leading pro-life members, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ).  Together, they have reintroduced the Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act, which would protect unborn children at 15 weeks, a point by which science shows that the unborn child is capable of experiencing great pain when killed ...

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The FDA’s New Rules on Chemical Abortions Backs the Abortion Industry and Puts Women’s Lives at Risk

Thursday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made permanent its April 2021 order that removed the required in-person doctor’s visit for women seeking a chemical abortion. Today’s decision by the FDA allows the abortion pills, mifepristone and misoprostol, to be distributed by mail after a woman has a telehealth call with an abortion provider. “Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL) decries the reckless standards for the dispensing of dangerous chemical ...

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Save the Life-Saving Hyde Amendment!

In a shocking move on July 15, the first steps were taken to remove the life-saving Hyde Amendment from the annual federal Labor-Health and Human Services Appropriations (Labor-HHS) bill. The Hyde Amendment has prevented the use of US taxpayer funds to pay for abortion under federal programs including Medicaid. This is the first time in the 45-year history of the Hyde Amendment, which has been credited with saving millions of lives, ...

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What is the Stealth Right-to-Abortion Amendment? The Stealth Right-to-Abortion Amendment is the pro-abortion Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).   VSHL calls it the Stealth Right-to-Abortion Amendment because the pro-abortion forces behind the amendment always deny that it has anything to do with abortion. The Equal Rights Amendment is a constitutional amendment that Congress proposed in 1972, before the Supreme Court legalized abortion in Roe v. Wade (Jan. 1973). The ERA had a 7-year ratification deadline that ...

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July 1st, 2020: A Bad Day for Virginia’s Women and Children, A Good Day for Abortionists

Today, July 1, 2020, pro-life laws that took years to establish in Virginia’s code will be ripped away as the new laws passed in the 2020 General Assembly go into effect.  Pro-abortion groups will have much to celebrate, but the babies and mothers of Virginia will be left with no protection from the lies they are told by abortionists and the deadly reality of what abortion does to their children.  The right ...

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Pro-Abortion Members in Virginia General Assembly Toss Out Protective Women’s Right to Know Law

Today, the House of Delegates voted along party lines to overturn the "Women's Right to Know" Informed Consent law regarding abortion.  Tomorrow, the Senate is expected to follow suit and pass SB 733. HB 980 (Del. Price, D-95th) removed all the hard won rational and much-needed provisions of the law first passed in 2001. The law required that the Virginia Department of Health provide written materials that would inform a woman considering ...

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Pro-Abortion Money from Out of State Buys Virginia’s Election

In a very sad turn of events, despite a hard-scrabble ground game organized by Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL) and other pro-life groups in the Commonwealth---built on the donations of average citizens---abortion proponents won new seats in the House and Senate giving them control of the General Assembly.    Sadly, several Republican seats were lost in the Senate giving pro-abortion candidates control there too. Outside pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL ...

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