Good News: Roe vs. Wade Overturned!

Here is the VSHL Press Release on the Dobbs Decision that finally overturn Roe vs. Wade VSHL Statement on the Overturning of Roe v. Wade The following may be attributed to Olivia Gans Turner, President of the Virginia Society for Human Life: Virginians should be elated that the Supreme Court has overturned the dreadful Roe v. Wade decision and opened the door for the states to pass reasonable, protective laws for mothers and ...

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Stop Taxpayer Funding of Abortion in Virginia Now! Governor Youngkin sent a budget amendment to the General Assembly to stop taxpayer funding of abortion. This will be voted on TOMORROW, Friday, June 17th. The Governor’s amendment will prevent any funding of abortions in Virginia under Medicaid that go beyond those allowed under the Federal Hyde Amendment. It is a simple but important change that we need to ask our legislators to support.  Please ...

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