Physician explaining symptoms to patients during consultation

Thankfully Doctor-Assisted Suicide is currently illegal in Virginia. However, pro-death forces keep trying to find new ways to weaken and/or overturn the Virginia Law against Assisted Suicide. Thankfully our legislative team has been able to defeat all of these attempts so far. Information on Doctor-Assisted Suicide from the NRLC website and why we oppose it can be found here. The status of laws around the country can be found here ...

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What is the WILL TO LIVE? The WILL TO LIVE is a legal document that you can sign which: Is a legally binding pro-life alternative to the traditional Living Wills Names someone to make health care decisions for you (your "heath care agent') if you develop a condition that makes it impossible for you to speak for yourself (become "incompetent"), and Makes clear (in the form of written instructions to your health care agent) what medical treatment you would want if ...

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Man in hospital bed

Euthanasia is the purposeful killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his/her alleged benefit.  Euthanasia has been advocated for certain classes of human beings, including the handicapped young, the mentally impaired, the terminally ill, and the comatose. The inevitable result of this trend will be to escalate from killing for the alleged benefit of an individual to killing for the convenience of others. Euthanasia violates the principle that each human ...

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