No Roe in Virginia Petition to the Virginia General Assembly to Oppose Abortion-on-Demand Until the Moment of Birth Without Restrictions Whereas, Pro-Abortion Activists want to codify Roe v. Wade into Virginia Law and/or add Roe to the Virginia Constitution; and Whereas, Roe would allow abortion-on-demand, up until the moment of birth, without any restrictions; and Whereas, making Roe Virginia Law would strike down existing pro-life laws including the Parental Consent law & the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban ...

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During an event held on Saturday in Richmond, pro-abortion members of the General Assembly were joined by Vice President Kamala Harris and made it abundantly clear that they have no interest in telling the truth or passing laws that respect human life and pregnant women. Virginia Senators and Delegates, including Senators Jennifer McLellan (D-9th), Louise Lucas (D-18th), Mamie Locke (D-2nd), and Delegates Eileen Filler-Corn (D-41st), Sally Hudson (D-57th), and Delores ...

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To the editor, In her opinion piece July 13, 2022, Yvonne Surette suggested that Republicans are not pro-life. Well, Democrats in Virginia have no clear advantage on that front. During the 2022 General Assembly session and following special sessions, the radical pro-abortion leadership in the Senate and House of Delegates successfully blocked multiple bills that would have provided reasonable and essential information that should be given to women considering an abortion ...

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