Virginia Pro-Abortion Democrat Leaders Host Panel with Pro-Abortion Vice-President Harris in Richmond

During an event held on Saturday in Richmond, pro-abortion members of the General Assembly were joined by Vice President Kamala Harris and made it abundantly clear that they have no interest in telling the truth or passing laws that respect human life and pregnant women. Virginia Senators and Delegates, including Senators Jennifer McLellan (D-9th), Louise Lucas (D-18th), Mamie Locke (D-2nd), and Delegates Eileen Filler-Corn (D-41st), Sally Hudson (D-57th), and Delores McQuinn (D-70th) have once more stated their commitment to oppose passage of all reasonable pro-life laws going forward. The panelists were all so joined by pro-abortion Congressman Donald McEachin (D-4th).

Vice President Harris re-enforced the Biden Administration’s goal to pass a law to codify Roe v Wade in Federal law. She perpetuated manipulative stories about women being threatened or dying due to new pro-life laws, without providing any evidence.

The panel praised recent actions of the General Assembly that stripped away all the commonsense regulations that had been in place to protect women and their babies for over 10 years. Sadly, since that time and as of today, Virginia is a so called “safe haven” for abortionists. The current state of abortion practice in Virginia is only protecting abortionists and the industry, not women or their babies.

The participants in the panel stressed that the pro-abortion members of the General Assembly will do all that they can to make sure that Virginia is never able to pass laws that most Virginians would support, including laws to ensure that babies who survive an abortion would receive lifesaving care, or preventing taxpayer funding of abortions. The panelists went so far as to insist that they will fight to enshrine an unrestricted right to abortion in Virginia’s Constitution. A constitutional amendment would remove all remaining pro-life laws in Virginia including the parental consent law that still guarantees that parents must be notified before a minor daughter can get an abortion.

The panelists continued to spread deliberate misinformation and fear mongering about the goals of pro-life laws being discussed by Gov. Glen Youngkin and other legislators. No one is seeking to criminalize abortion or to punish women. Nor is there any truth to the rumor that pro-life laws in Virginia will prevent pregnant women from receiving lifesaving medical care. Mainstream pro-life groups in Virginia have gone on record opposing an attempt to punish women who seek an abortion.

It is evident that these extremist, pro-abortion politicians believe that protecting unscrupulous abortionists and the industry that funds their campaigns is more important that having an honest conversation about how to provide more life affirming supports for both mothers and their babies. Meanwhile Virginia pro-life groups and legislators will pursue laws that save lives and create new ways to get better healthcare and assistance to every pregnant woman and her child.

Virginia Society for Human Life is the oldest state-wide pro-life organization in the nation with chapters throughout the Commonwealth supporting life issues and the Virginia affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.

6767 Forest Hill Ave., Suite 304 * Richmond, VA 23225 * Tel: 804.560.8745 * *

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