Virginian Letter to the Editor

To the editor,

In her opinion piece July 13, 2022, Yvonne Surette suggested that Republicans are not pro-life. Well, Democrats in Virginia have no clear advantage on that front. During the 2022 General Assembly session and following special sessions, the radical pro-abortion leadership in the Senate and House of Delegates successfully blocked multiple bills that would have provided reasonable and essential information that should be given to women considering an abortion or protect an unborn child capable of feeling pain. They also defeated a compassionate bill that would have provided reasonable lifesaving care to any child that survived an abortion. Finally, last month they blocked a simple amendment from the Governor to prevent expanded taxpayer coverage of abortions beyond federal rules. Virginians are going to have to keep paying for abortions in these cases despite the fact that most Virginians object to funding abortions.

The Democrats have committed to the same extremist strategy for 2023.

The truth is that being pro-life shouldn’t be a red or blue issue. It is a human rights issue and people of both parties can be and are pro-life. Sadly, at this point the lines seem to be drawn sharply and the Democrat party won’t even consider a commonsense bill that might bring down the number of abortions and help women get better information that can protect themselves and their child.

Yes, more should be and must be done by both sides to create the social supports the vulnerable need.

Meanwhile pro-life Virginians are already providing free medical care to any pregnant person throughout the commonwealth. Over 40 independent pregnancy centers offer comprehensive care for mother and child and do so as long as needed. Let’s talk about who is really pro-life now.


Olivia Turner, President

Virginia Society for Human Life

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