Pro-abortion Democrat majority shields Virginia abortionists

The pro-abortion Democrat majority in the Virginia Senate voted today to pass a bill, SB71, the Contraception and Reproductive Care Act (a so-called shield law). The vote was along party line 21 -18. This legislation will make it possible for abortionists and bad actors of all kinds to practice unchecked in the Commonwealth of Virginia, putting women and babies in harm’s way.
“SB 716, patroned by Sen. Carroll Foy, D-33, is one more example of how the pro-abortion Democrat Majority in the General Assembly owes to the abortion groups and businesses that donated so much money to their campaigns last fall,” said Olivia Gans Turner, president of Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL). “If these elected officials really cared about women’s health, they would not send a message to abortionists that they will be a protected class here in Virginia. No other medical care providers are allowed such a service.” VSHL doesn’t take a position on contraception.
Abortion groups have been pushing so-called shield law legislation throughout the 2024 General Assembly Session. The effect of such legislation, if passed and made law, will be to invite reckless and unscrupulous abortionists to use Virginia as a “safe haven” to operate free of government regulations on their behavior.
This will not protect the pregnant women of Virginia and most certainly endangers their unborn children.“Shield laws” enacted in other states are interfering with efforts to hold abortionists and providers accountable for injuries or other violations that cause harm to their residents.

For a pdf version of this post click here: VSHL_sb71

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