Physician explaining symptoms to patients during consultation

Thankfully Doctor-Assisted Suicide is currently illegal in Virginia. However, pro-death forces keep trying to find new ways to weaken and/or overturn the Virginia Law against Assisted Suicide. Thankfully our legislative team has been able to defeat all of these attempts so far. Information on Doctor-Assisted Suicide from the NRLC website and why we oppose it can be found here. The status of laws around the country can be found here ...

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What is the WILL TO LIVE? The WILL TO LIVE is a legal document that you can sign which: Is a legally binding pro-life alternative to the traditional Living Wills Names someone to make health care decisions for you (your "heath care agent') if you develop a condition that makes it impossible for you to speak for yourself (become "incompetent"), and Makes clear (in the form of written instructions to your health care agent) what medical treatment you would want if ...

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The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act protects babies who are capable of feeling pain.  Currently, scientific evidence points to about 20 weeks that babies are able to feel pain.  This legislation has been upheld by the courts. As science advances, we can use this legislation to protect even more babies. Additionally, by showing how babies can feel pain during an abortion, we can educate the public about the humanity of unborn children which leads ...

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Man in hospital bed

Euthanasia is the purposeful killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his/her alleged benefit.  Euthanasia has been advocated for certain classes of human beings, including the handicapped young, the mentally impaired, the terminally ill, and the comatose. The inevitable result of this trend will be to escalate from killing for the alleged benefit of an individual to killing for the convenience of others. Euthanasia violates the principle that each human ...

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Watch as Governor Northam endorses infanticide. Here is the video of Delegate Tran supporting her bill that would have eliminated restriction on abortion until birth. Action Item:  Sign the VSHL Petition against Infanticide

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Stages of Fetal Development All of us spent the first nine months of our existence surrounded by the water of the womb. Explore the first stages of human development below.  Month 1: Human development starts when a sperm fuses with an egg to create a zygote. A zygote is a new single-cell human life that contains two copies of chromosomes - one copy from each parent. In the week following ...

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Virginia passed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban in 1998.  However, pro-abortion activists are trying various ways to nullify this law which bans a particularly disturbing method of abortion.  Please see below for more details. These color illustrations of a partial-birth abortion are based on an instructional paper by an Ohio abortionist explaining step by step how he performs the procedure. These drawings accurately depict a partial-birth abortion being performed on a baby at ...

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Stem Cell Research

Human beings, no matter how small weak, or dependent, possess inherent dignity and intrinsic worth by virtue of their humanity. Thus the intentional harm or destruction of a human being for the supposed benefit of another human being is wrong. This bedrock principle of traditional medical ethics was infamously violated throughout the 20th century.  Witness the gruesome "research" conducted on Jews and prisoners-of-war by the Nazis at Auschwitz and Dachau, the syphilis experiments performed ...

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Women in Virginia are asking questions about abortion and healthcare. Their families are concerned about the answers too.  Look at the pro-choice and pro-life agendas before you vote this November. Pro-Choice Reasonable people agree that allowing unrestricted abortion for all nine months of pregnancy is too far. Yet the Democrats in the Virginia General Assembly are determined to see that Virginia law allows just that. They aren’t concerned that most Virginians disagree ...

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