2019 Election Day is November 5th–Are You Ready to Vote?

If you ever needed a reason to get out and cast your vote, what more can we say than this:  Every Pro-life law in Virginia hangs in the balance!  Only one or two votes separate the pro-life and pro-abortion forces in the General Assembly.

(To see a complete list of VSHL endorsed pro-life candidates, go to: https://www.nrlc.org/uploads/records/2019NRLVSHLendorsements.pdf)

The People of Virginia saw and heard just how extreme the pro-abortion lobby really is during the last General Assembly.  We all saw Delegates in Committee admit that bills they introduced would have undermined or removed Virginia pro-life laws including the Ultrasound and Women’s Right to Know law.  Most terrifying of all, one bill would have stripped away every last protective provision regarding having an abortion in the last months of pregnancy and allow totally unrestricted abortion up to birth!

Virginians were shocked by the suggestion of Governor Ralph Northam on the radio that it would be OK to deny medical care to a baby who might survive an abortion so late in pregnancy. Baby’s born alive after an abortion attempt are not human beings, as far as he is concerned, just a problem to be dealt with. 

The lines are clearly drawn, abortion advocates in the General Assembly threw down their gauntlet. “Just change a few seats,” they said and they can force through their deadly agenda and wipe out years of Pro-life progress in passing life-saving laws!

How will you vote this November? Who do you know who needs to get out and vote? How will you help make sure that your family and friends get to the polls or vote absentee?

Last day to send in absentee ballots is October 29th.  Find your polling place here: https://www.elections.virginia.gov/casting-a-ballot/

VSHL PAC and National Right to Life Committee are in this fight together. Please follow the link below to see a complete list of the endorsed pro-life candidates. If you do not see your district call the office. It may also be that there is not a contested race in your area.


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