The Unlimited Abortion Up to Birth Amendment is on the Table This Week! Speak Out Now!


Here we go! Only days away from the dramatic national election results and Virginia’s pro-abortion legislators are ready to move forward this week on their dreadful plan to enshrine abortion up to birth in the state Constitution.

Raise Your Voice!

Pro-life Virginians must make their voices heard immediately! Please Use the VSHL Action Center link to send your message to your members of the General Assembly. Please share this link with your friends.

Abortion proponents in the General Assembly House of Delegates aren’t wasting any time! On Wednesday November 13 the Privileges and Elections will meet to handle unfinished business from the 2024 session. Among the bills that were carried over is the extreme pro-abortion amendment to the Virginia Constitution. The committee must take action on this matter before November 18th, or they must start over in January.

If the Committee votes to move this bill, HJ1 out of the committee can go directly to the floor of the House of Delegates in the first day or two of the 2025 General Assembly session. This would mean no public hearing and very little chance to stop the progress of the radical amendment by the members. The Pro-abortion majority is determined to force this vote through as quickly as possible!

As of this message VSHL does not know exactly what will happen at this meeting since there is still no posted agenda. We highly recommend that if your schedule allows it you should try to watch the meeting. We must make sure that these pro-abortion legislators know that we are watching them try to do this action behind closed doors without public commentary

If you live in the Richmond area you can attend the meeting at 11:00 a.m. in The new General Assembly Building, in House Committee Room C.

The Meeting will also be Livestreamed.

To view the meeting Wednesday Morning use this link

To contribute written testimony to the P &E Committee please use this link

More info here:
Wednesday, November 13
Privileges and Elections (Price, Marcia S. (Cia))
11:00 AM – House Committee Room C – 206, General Assembly Building

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