New FDA rules allows pharmacies to dispense deadly abortion drugs

New FDA rules allows pharmacies to dispense deadly abortion drugs

Under pro-abortion President Biden the FDA will now allow the drug used to kill unborn children to be freely dispensed under new rules. On Tuesday, January 3rd, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) updated the labeling for mifepristone (generic for Mifeprex) to allow pharmacies to dispense the drug.

Unfortunately, both CVS and Walgreens have stated that they will sell the drug in select pharmacies, which would place women at greater risk than ever before.

Please use the VSHL Action Center to send a message to both CVS and Walgreens to URGE them NOT to dispense these deadly abortion drugs.

Olivia Gans Turner, President of VSHL, has condemned this latest action of the Biden administration, which only continues to put pregnant women at risk and kills more unborn children. “Chemical abortion has become the primary form of abortion in the USA and here in Virginia. Mothers are already placed at grave risk because the current law in Virginia no longer requires that a women see an ultrasound of their baby before having an abortion and allows non-physicians to perform abortions.  Now we face reckless distribution of a dangerous drug on unsuspecting women and will kill more pre-born babies. This new rule only benefits the abortion industry.”

Mifepristone is used in combination with misoprostol, a prostaglandin, to cause an abortion. Mifepristone blocks progesterone, causing the death of the unborn baby, while the second drug, misoprostol, causes powerful, painful uterine contractions to expel the dead or dying baby.
The FDA’s revised Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for Mifeprex would require that the drug only be dispensed by pharmacies that have completed certification and only those pharmacies, once certified, could dispense the drug prescribed by certified prescribers who have pledged to follow FDA guidelines regarding the screening and counseling of patients to ensure they know the risks and dangers.

National Right to Life released a press statement on this issue and you can read the whole statement here.

From the statement:

“More than two dozen deaths and thousands of complications are associated with the use of these drugs,” said Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D., director of education and research for National Right to Life. “These ‘adverse events,’ on record with the FDA, include serious infections, severe hemorrhaging, and the rupture of previously undiscovered ectopic pregnancies.”

“Retail pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS should consider whether it is a sound business risk to be selling dangerous abortion pills that can put women in the hospital,” said Scott Fischbach, National Right to Life’s Executive Director. “Their customers will not be happy to find out that their local drugstore where they get their life-saving medicines is now stocking and distributing pills for the purpose of killing unborn children in their community.”

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