2024 VSHL Membership Drive

Please make your 2024 VSHL Membership Dues payment without delay.

Your 2024 Virginia Society for Human Life Membership is a symbol of your resolve to stand up for the unborn and the grave threats they face from the Right-to-Abortion Amendment to the Virginia Constitution.

Your membership dues are vital to our on-going efforts to protect unborn babies here in Virginia.  Radical pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and their allies in the Virginia General Assembly are pushing to add a Right-to-Abortion to the Virginia Constitution.  VSHL is opposing this extreme agenda and instead is pushing to pass life-saving legislation like the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  

VSHL is the ONLY single-issue statewide pro-life group in Virginia. It was founded in 1967 and is the Virginia Affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.

Your membership will  is essential to making sure there is a strong, vibrant and effective pro-life movement in Virginia. So please make your annual Membership Dues Payment today and reaffirm your support for pro-life principles.



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