Virginia Pro-life Day Plans Underway!

Virginia Pro-life Day Plans Underway!

It’s time to turn to our plans to Influence the 2023 Virginia General Assembly. The General Assembly session will start on January 11th. It will be a short but intense session. (2023 is an election year for all the members of the GA, both the State Senate and the House of Delegates.)

It is with great excitement that VSHL announces that we are already deep in plans for a whole day of pro-life activities on February 1st, 2023, Virginia Pro-life Day.

Our chances to influence our state legislators will be limited by the session’s short time frame, so we must be prepared! VSHL is delighted to once again be partnering with other organizations for the second annual Defending Life Day at the Capital in Richmond, February 1st, 2023.

An added bonus to the day will be the Virginia March for Life that will take place in the afternoon, after we have finished our morning advocacy meetings. All day the Members of the General Assembly will be aware that their pro-life constituents are paying attention to how they vote!

We need you to be there in Richmond in person to meet with your own legislators to ask for their votes on the important pro-life bills we expect to be introduced this year, and against the pro-abortion bills. Defending Life Day is your chance to witness to our elected officials about bills that matter to you and hundreds of other voters in their constituency. There is absolutely nothing more powerful that you can do to influence a legislator than to make the effort to meet with him or her in person while they are in session in Richmond.

It is definitely not too soon to sign-up for Defending Life Day. Before we know it, the busy holiday season will be upon us, and right on its heels, opening day of the 2023 General Assembly session. Please mark your calendar now for February 1st, and sign up to attend! Registration is free!


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