VSHL in the News

VSHL President Olivia Gans Turner was interviewed in a story on legislation that lead to taxpayer funding of abortions. The story appeared in January on WAVY’s website. From the story:

In a hearing earlier this week, McLellan said removing the prohibition would not lead to taxpayers paying for abortions. However, Olivia Gans Turner, president of the Virginia Society for Human Life, disagrees.

“While SB 1276 doesn’t require that plans cover abortion yet, it is only a matter of time before our taxes are being used to cover other people’s abortions in future plans.” Turner said in a statement.  “All Virginians, regardless of their position on the legality of abortion, should be disturbed by this change in the law.”

VSHL said they also disagree with this bill because it will be hard for people who have “ethical objections” to abortions to find state-run plans that don’t cover them.

See the rest of the article here:


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