The Helen M. Donovan Memorial Essay Contest for High School Seniors

The Northern Virginia Chapter of the Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL) is sponsoring the Helen M. Donovan Memorial Award Essay Contest.

This contest is open to high school seniors.

ESSAY TITLE: Promote Life!

1st Award $1,000.00
2nd Award $500.00

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke

In our current society, life and dignity are devalued by legalized abortion and euthanasia. As you enter adulthood, express how you would advance a positive pro-life philosophy and reverse today’s moral erosion. Your essay should address ideas and plans of action to oppose the mindset of those who support abortion and even the termination of life at birth.

Using the above title, your essay must be at least 400 words, double-spaced with one inch margins. Please postmark by December 9, 2019. Include your home address, home phone number and school name. Mail to VSHL at the below address. A VSHL committee will judge each essay. Winners will be notified in January of 2020.

VSHL, Northern Virginia Chapter, PO Box 22681, Alexandria, VA 22304

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