Terry McAuliffe is the Abortion Candidate

For Immediate release: Friday, September 10, 2021

For more information: Olivia Gans Turner or Margaret H. Disney (804) 560-8745

Terry McAuliffe is the Abortion Candidate

While pro-life candidate for governor, Glenn Youngkin continues to talk about rational pro-life measures, like preventing taxpayer funding for abortions and passing a Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, pro-abortion former governor Terry McAuliffe, is sounding one note all over Virginia: he is promising to prevent any new pro-life law and to ultimately help see Roe v. Wade codified in the Virginia Constitution.

Terry McAuliffe is making protecting abortion promoters his top priority as witnessed in his comments and actions at two events in Virginia yesterday. At a small business forum sponsored by the Multicultural Chamber Alliance in Fairfax, VA, McAuliffe’s opening remarks focused on how proud he was to have kept Virginia’s abortion facilities open as governor and stopped any new pro-life laws from being enacted. Unsurprisingly, the small business leaders were not very excited, and the only applause was from his own cheer squad that he travels with.

Later in the afternoon, he returned to Charlottesville where he made a campaign stop at the local abortion facility to promise to “be a brick wall against any anti-choice (pro-life) laws. He said clearly to those present, “I will always fight to protect women’s clinics!” Obviously, the campaign funding he has received from the abortion industry is calling the tune he dances to. Their goal is to get him elected so as to protect the abortion industry in the Commonwealth. They have no interest in protecting women’s health or the lives of the babies they carry.

Meanwhile in other Virginia candidate news, the Commonwealth’s sitting attorney general, Mark Herring, who is running for another term in office, announced today that he is spearheading a multi-state effort by the attorneys general from 21 states to fight any new laws like the one passed in Texas. In his amicus brief, Attorney General Herring argues that access to safe and legal abortion is an essential component of women’s healthcare and opposes what he calls restrictive abortion laws. He has no concern at all for the helpless unborn children that abortion facilities kill every day. Nor does he worry about using our taxes to pay for this effort.

In fact, this is the third such pro-abortion legal battle Herring has embroiled the taxpayers of Virginia. The previous cases involved challenging the 24-hour waiting period, clinic regulations and a requirement that only a licensed doctor could perform abortions in Virginia. Last year, he launched a legal battle to force the courts and Congress to recognize Virginia’s vote for the pro-abortion ERA–despite multiple judgments that the time for passage had long passed.

And lest we forget, Del. Hala Ayala who is running to become the next Lt. Governor, was a key sponsor of the pro-abortion ERA in the General Assembly in 2020. She has a long history of working with pro-abortion groups in Virginia, including serving as chairwoman of the Prince William County chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW).

“The clear message from all three candidates for Virginia’s highest elected offices is that protecting the abortion industry at any cost is the first thing they think about and the most destructive thing they would do to Virginia if elected,” said Olivia Gans Turner, president of Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL).

Virginia Society for Human Life is the oldest state-wide pro-life organization in the nation with chapters throughout the Commonwealth supporting life issues and the Virginia affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.

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