For Immediate release:
September 29, 2021
Pro-life Glenn Youngkin Calls Pro-abortion Terry McAuliffe
the Would-Be “Abortion Governor”
During the last debate on Tuesday night in the 2021 Governor’s race between Pro-life candidate Glenn Youngkin and Pro-abortion former Governor Terry McAuliffe the lines were clearly drawn.
Youngkin restated that he is pro-life and supports reasonable laws including ones that prevent abortions after an unborn child can feel pain. He called out Terry McAuliffe as the “abortion governor” because he supports abortion up to birth and enshrining Roe v. Wade in the Virginia Constitution. An amendment enshrining Roe that would nullify all of Virginia’s standing pro-life laws, including parental consent or the Partial-Birth Abortion ban, and make it impossible to pass any new pro-life law, or restrict funding of abortions in state Medicaid plans.
McAuliffe boasted again that he would be a “brick wall” against any pro-life law no matter how rational, and that he wants to make unlimited access to abortion a selling point to businesses! He repeated his claim that he kept all of Virginia’s abortion facilities open when he was governor and will see that they are kept open forever if he were to be elected to another term as governor.
“Terry McAuliffe is a broken record, parroting what the abortion industry in Virginia wants to hear. He claims that Youngkin wants to ban abortion, something that he has never said, yet it is Terry McAuliffe who has repeatedly called for a Right to Abortion Amendment to enshrine Roe in Virginia Law. Terry is obsessed with abortion, “said Olivia Gans Turner, president of VSHL.
Virginia Society for Human Life is the oldest state-wide pro-life organization in the nation with chapters throughout the Commonwealth supporting life issues and the Virginia affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.
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