Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! 

All mothers deserve to be celebrated everyday but especially now, as we all depend on mothers at home and in essential jobs holding us all together, entertaining, cooking, teaching, nursing, healing, inspiring and protecting all of us.  We know that mothers are serving our families and neighborhoods as never before. Some are at home, some are at hospitals or first responder jobs, some are working long hours at grocery stores and restaurants, and others are educating online in new and creative ways. All mothers are concerned about how to protect the ones they love. This is what mothers do, and we are grateful.

The pro-life movement knows that mothers facing complicated pregnancies are also often vulnerable to pressure and manipulation, fear, and lies from abortionists and others who don’t respect them or their babies. We know that it takes hope to say yes to life and sometimes the only sources offering that hope are the many Pro-life pregnancy centers of Virginia. Thank you to all of the volunteers who are working so hard right now to keep those services available to the mothers of Virginia no matter their circumstances and in spite of limitations due to the pandemic. You are truly essential workers!

From all of us at VSHL let me send our gratitude to every mother.  So many ways to be a mother and we value them all. Some today may grieve because of an abortion years ago, some may be melancholy because of a baby they placed for adoption, some are foster moms who find the strength to offer short-term shelter to a child in need, some will be remembering a child who has died. Motherhood is not always easy or joyful but it is always worthy of respect and support.

On this Mother’s Day when many of us may not be able to be with our mothers in person, we still celebrate the mother that gave us life.  Life is the perfect gift and VSHL will never ignore the right to life or the love that every mother’s yes provides each new life. Thank you all!

May your day be filled with joy.

Olivia Gans Turner
Remember that beginning today, you can rent the powerful and moving pro-life play “Viable” to view at home as often as you’d like until June 10th!

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