It is urgent that you contact Senator Kaine to tell him to Save the Life-Saving Hyde Amendment. Click the take action button and then enter your address to send a message to Senator Kaine to Support the Hyde Amendment and oppose taxpayer funding of abortion. Please act today! $cweb(function(){ $cweb('#congressweb-websticker-43').congressweb({ url : '//', responsive : true, isWebsticker : true }); });
Read MorePlease use this link on our Legislative Action Center to send a message to your Congressman opposing the retroactive deadline extension for passage of the pro-abortion ERA. The Democratic leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives on February 12 or 13 will bring to the House floor a resolution that would -- if the federal courts allow it -- insert the 1972 “Equal Rights Amendment” (ERA) into the U.S. Constitution. Pro-life ...
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