Welcome to the first annual Defending Life Day, a collaborative effort of the Virginia Catholic Conference, the Dioceses of Arlington and Richmond and Virginia Society for Human Life!
On February 9, 2022, Virginians of good will come together in Richmond to meet directly with their legislators to encourage them to defend human life and dignity from the moment of conception to natural death. Our goal is to assemble advocates from every district in the Commonwealth.
The plan is simple. We will gather in the morning at the Richmond Convention Center to organize our advocacy teams, receive guidance for meeting with members, and gain inspiration from pro-life leaders. After organizing into district groups, we will then walk over to our legislators’ offices to meet with our senators and members of the House of Delegates. We want to let them know, as their constituents, that we hope to see them pass legislation to uphold and defend the dignity of every human life.
Your personal presence is vital. It powerfully supports pro-life members of the General Assembly or encourages those who have voted against pro-life bills in the past to reconsider their views. We want our legislators to see we are engaged and expect to see them pass life-affirming legislation.
Talking points, legislative updates and tips for effective advocacy will be provided by the organizers to make your constituent meetings easy and successful. Please join us!