Please stand up and fight for the unborn. Sign the 2020 Pro-Life Voter Pledge today!
2020 Virginia Pro-Life Voter Pledge
I am pro-life and I vote. I am planning on voting in the November 3rd, 2020 General Election.
I will consider how candidates stand on pro-life issues before I vote. I will especially consider candidates positions on the following:
I oppose Taxpayer-Funding of Abortion
I oppose eliminating existing restrictions on abortion until Birth
I oppose any legislation that will eliminate existing laws like Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, Parental Involvement and Women’s Right-to-know Laws
I oppose adding a Right-to-Abortion to the Virginia Constitution
I support the Born-Alive Abortions Survivors Act
I support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
I support the Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act
I urge all elected officials in Virginia to defend unborn children who are threatened by abortion by supporting this pro-life agenda.